Friday, November 7, 2008

D&D 4th Edition? You've got to be kidding me.

If I haven't purchased the books for 3rd edition, why would I buy 4th edition? I'm firmly an "Old Schooler" with all my D&D/AD&D materials being from Original D&D (white box edition), 1st Edtion, or 2nd Edtion; and I have quite a collection as well. Sorry, I have too many bills to pay to spend money on purchasing new rule books for my favorite game. Ha$bro/Wizards of the Coa$t love orphaning an existing customer base in order to make money on those willing to spend big bucks (hundreds of dollars per person) on a new edition of the grand old game. A game E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, et al., invented back in 1974/75 and an entire gaming industry grew as a result. Well, I don't see 4th Edition succeeding in light of the current economy, but I don't see Hasbro and WotC giving up on D&D either. We "Old Schoolers" are the line that defend the game in its original format before corporate America got their mitts on it and abandoned everyone that made D&D the most popular game played world wide for so many years.

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