Monday, February 4, 2019

Creature Feature: The Arron Race, an Augmented Race of Humans

The Arron Race

(Homo Sapiens Maximus)

Temperate island
Rare (Common on Ustwaria island)
Feudal monarchy
Very to genius
L, M
Lawful Neutral (evil), or Lawful Evil
8 to 800 (8d10×10)
Variable by class and level
12 base
Variable by class and level
Variable by class and level
1 or 2
By weapon type.
Possible magic use both items and spells. Missile weapons. Possible surprise with back-stab, or assassination. Bonuses to mass combat die rolls, see below.
Magic items and spells
M (6½' to 7')
Description: The Arrons consider themselves to be a wholly separate race of humans that are superior over all other humans. They are found primarily on the island of Ustwaria, or the "Eastern Kingdom of the Arrons." The island is the last and largest of the Oridalian Archipelago. The Arrons are guided by the principle of the super-man: A human that is superior in every way to any normal human being – physically, mentally and spiritually. In order to create this superior human, these people undergo a selective breeding program that is rigorously enforced by the ruling classes. Most freedoms considered basic to citizens' lives within the Imperial Realm are severely limited within Ustwaria; especially the freedom to choose. The life of an Arron is highly regimented with almost all aspects dictated by his, or her designated superiors. Any Arron who tries to deviate from this "Manifest Destiny" of being the superior race are immediately considered to be inferior and harshly dealt with; usually imprisoned in a forced labor mining camp for the duration of his or her life. Despite these self-imposed limitations, Arron culture is technologically advanced and the people are by in large happy and secure.
As a result of selective breeding, all ability scores of an Arron race player character, except charisma, are increased by one to a maximum of eighteen, however intelligence has a maximum score of nineteen. Arron charisma scores are normal to other Arrons and those of non-human and halfling races. However it suffers a penalty of minus two to all other humans and those of the halfling race due to an Arron's arrogance born of the belief of his, or her superiority. An Arron player character's alignment strongly tends to lawful neutral with definite evil tendencies frequently turning lawful evil as his, or her arrogance causes the character to commit evil acts against those deemed inferior. Arron spell-casters enjoy better success with their spells due to their superior ability scores. Arron warriors are generally stronger, stouter and quicker as well. Despite these advantages, Arron player characters are precluded from being certain player character classes. Paladin, ranger, bard, druid, and wizard specialists requiring good, or non-lawful alignments are classes barred to Arron player characters. Arrons tend to be taller than average, blond and blue-eyed with classic Aryan features as these are the "standard" as decided by the Arron ruling class. If your campaign uses the comeliness ability score, it is increased by one for Arrons due to their breeding program. An Arron's maximum comeliness score is nineteen due to his, or her enhanced physical attractiveness.
Combat: The Arrons perform combat usually in highly trained military units. Arron armies have the usual dispersion of weapons similar to any other human army. Arron units attack with a plus two bonus to their massed attack rolls due to collective superior strength and intelligence, and have a plus one hit point per hit die of damage rolled for every successful hit.
Habitat/Society: The Arrons have a highly organized feudal monarchy elaborated by a constitutional charter and led by a hereditary king. Governance of Ustwaria is distributed by a highly defined line of succession:
King: The highest ranking noble and Head of State. Ultimately responsible for ruling Ustwaria.
Queen: The power behind the power. Becomes Head of State upon the demise of the King and the Prince is not of the age of majority. Once the Prince is crowned King, the Queen becomes the Queen Mother and the Prince's spouse becomes Queen.
Prince: The second ranking noble. The hereditary successor to the King and accountable to him.
Princess: In the event the King, Queen and all Princes are eliminated somehow, the eldest Princess is crowned as Queen and Head of State. Her husband becomes Prince Regent and assumes the duties of the Prince. When their eldest son reaches the age of majority, he is then crowned King of Ustwaria and the normal line of succession is re-established. The former ruling queen becomes the Queen Mother and the Prince Regent remains in power until the new King's eldest son reaches the age of majority. If the Prince Regent dies before then, the senior Duke assumes the title until the young prince is old enough.
Duke: The third ranking noble. Ustwaria is divided into a number of provinces each ruled by a Duke who is accountable to the Prince. If the whole royal family (King, Queen, Princes and Princesses) should perish for some reason, the senior Duke will be crowned King with his family becoming the hereditary line. If the senior Duke is not able to assume the title, the crown is transferred down to the next junior Duke and down the line of seniority.
Count: The fourth ranking noble. Each province of Ustwaria is divided into counties each ruled by a Count who is accountable to his ruling Duke. In the most unlikely event that there are no Dukes to assume the throne, the line of succession transfers to the senior Count and down the line of seniority thereafter.
Lord: The fifth ranking noble. Each county is divided into townships each ruled by a Lord who is accountable to his ruling Count. In the almost impossible event all Dukes and Counts are not able to assume the throne, the crown transfers to the senior Lord and down the line of seniority thereafter.
Mayor: The sixth and lowest ranking noble. Every town and city in Ustwaria is ruled by a Mayor. Mayors are not in the line of succession as they are elected by a council of the upper class residents in each city and town for a term of eight years, or until a vote of no confidence by the same council forces him to leave office. A Mayor is accountable to his ruling Lord.
Citizens are accountable to their liege whether it is a Mayor or Lord, and these local rulers govern almost every aspect of their subjects' lives. Especially marriage and procreation are managed in detail by these nobles.
Every birth within Ustwaria is closely monitored by the staffs of the Mayors and Lords. As each child develops and shows his, or her talents, plus physical development, the staff of each Mayor and Lord carefully pair every male and female child in a prearranged marriage. All children are ranked by physical looks, skills and abilities. Each male and female child are paired together according to this ranking. Through this process, the Arrons are able to produce offspring with both superior looks and abilities, however it all but eliminates any freedom of choice for Arron citizens.
Ecology: The Arrons have virtually eliminated all "monster" species from Ustwaria. Wilderness areas are no more; even the wetlands are domesticated and are incorporated as part of the Arrons' plan for their homeland. The island resembles that of twentieth century northern Europe that any wild species exist now in designated wild "reserves" and the rest of the island under development and cultivation by its human inhabitants.
Variants: By class, or occupation.
Historical Notes: About five hundred years ago, one man, Arron of Graytor, became weary of seeing human settlements overrun by Goblinoid tribes especially Hobgoblin tribes. He decided that a new way of combating Goblinoid warriors was necessary. Through contact with nearby Demi-human settlements, Arron learned Hobgoblins used breeding to improve their species as warriors. He resolved to implement a similar breeding program to improve the Human species. Arron later read an ancient tome of a priest who wrote a thesis on creating the "super-man", or breeding humans to create a race that is superior in every way; physically, mentally and spiritually. He used the text as a blueprint for a new society that, in his view, is superior to any existing at the time. Better organized, stronger and smarter than any in history.
After Arron formalized his plan to create this new race of human, he recruited a number of human communities to join his plan. Arron named the new race after himself, chose their current homeland and named it Ustwaria, or the "Eastern Kingdom of the Arrons." After building a flotilla of ships capable of carrying Arron and his followers to Ustwaria, they sailed across the ever dangerous Island Sea without incident and landed safely on the island. Arron and his lieutenants immediately implemented the new plan to create a society of "super-men". Unfortunately for many of its citizens, dissent was and still is not tolerated, and punished severely through consignment to forced labor. Arron decided dissenters were still useful to perform more dangerous jobs such as mining. The society Arron and his deputies formed is a highly organized feudal nation in order to maximize discipline and order, and implement the breeding program with as little resistance as possible. Now, after dozens of generations, this program is yielding palpable results. The island is completely free from any Goblinoid and other "monster" species. Plus, the island's ecology is now almost under complete control of the Arrons. Their offspring are indeed becoming a superior species.
Political Notes: The oppressiveness of Arron society offers Set opportunities for his minions to infiltrate and ultimately allow him to dominate humans. High priests of Set have sent priests not only to reinforce the ideals Arron set for his people, but, in the end, lure them into his Brotherhood of Evil. The arrogant attitude displayed by most Arrons indicates this infiltration is having its desired effect. Due to their breeding, Arrons are a formidable foe for any army to defeat. However, as Arrons are naturally inimical to any Goblinoid species, alliances with those races are not likely to occur. Set probably will have a great deal of difficulty of getting the Arrons to join his Brotherhood as long as there are Goblinoids amongst its ranks. Therefore, this infiltration is not an immediate threat to any other human society.


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